
DreamGear 75-in-1 Review Part 1

Oh noes.


Yes. The DreamGear 75-in-1, what could possibly be considered a torture device for those too poor and lazy to buy real consoles. OK, not quite, but it's still pretty horrible nontheless. A lot of the games stored within are so generically bad that this is probably not the best multigame thing to review, but I'm going to anyway because no one else wants to and I'm bored.
There are 75 games and no repeats, but with how bad most of these games are it doesn't matter how many of them are included. One thing that's important to point out is that certain games on this won't work on most emulators and require EmuVT (which CaH4e3 has on his website) to run. To understand how bad this thing really is, I'll start whipping these games off one by one (figuratively speaking, of course) and then write the obligatory and nonsensical conclusion.
Oh, and you'll find that with these games there are a few themes that run throughout:
- Mediocre graphics

- Terrible sound
- The most mundane gameplay this side of the Magnavox Odyssey